Rajastan BSTC Answer Key 2023: The Department of Elementary Education, Bikaner, recently conducted the Basic School Teaching Certificate, BSTC Pre D.El.Ed Examination 2023. On August 28, 2023, the BSTC Entrance test was conducted in a single shift from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at multiple locations across the state. This year, more than 6 lakh candidates will appear for the examination. As the exam is over, candidates who appeared in the exam are eagerly waiting for the answer key. The Rajasthan BSTC Pre-D.El.Ed Answer Key 2023 is eagerly awaited by participants who want to evaluate their performance. However, the official answer key will be made available after the exam in September 2023 on the official website panjiyakpredeled.in Candidates can access the response sheet and question paper for all sets via the direct link provided in the article.

BSTC Exam Overview
Name of the Exam | Rajasthan Pre D. El. Ed. Exam (formerly BSTC) |
State | Rajasthan |
Administering Body | Registrar, Education Department Examinations |
Application Submission Start | July 10, 2023 |
Application Submission End | July 30, 2023 |
Last Date to submit the fee | July 30, 2023 |
Correction Window | August 1, 2023 – August 4, 2023 |
Admit Card | August 21, 2023 |
Exam Date | August 28, 2023 |
Answer Key Release date | The first week of September |
The first week of September | panjiyakpredeled.in |
BSTC Pre D.El Ed Answer Key 2023
1. राजस्थान की अणु नगरी कौनसी है-
उत्तर: रावतभाटा (चितोड़गढ़)
2. राजस्थान अन्नागार कहां पर स्थित है–
उत्तर: गंगानगर
3. राजस्थान अभिलेखागार कहा है–
उत्तर: बीकानेर
4. राजस्थान की मातृ रक्षिता कोन सी देवी है-
उत्तर: शीतला माता
5. बीकानेर के राठौड वंश की कुलदेवी माता है-
उत्तर : करणी माता
6. राजस्थान का राजकीय खेल है-
उत्तर : बास्केटबॉल
7. हुरडा सम्मेलन कहां हुआ?
उत्तर : भीलवाडा
8. राजस्थान का लोह-पुरुष-
उत्तर: दामोदर लाल व्यास
9. 1857 की क्रांति के समय उदयपुर का शासक कौन था-
उत्तर : स्वरूप सिंह
10. नारायण सागर बांध कौनसी नदी पर बना हुआ है-
उत्तर – खारी नदी पर
11. पोमचा क्या है
उत्तर : पीले रंग की ओढनी
12. राज्यपाल को शपथ कौन दिलाता है–
उत्तर : उच्च न्यायालय का न्यायधीश
13. माही महोत्सव –
उत्तर : बांसवाडा
14. रामगढ़ की पहाड़ियां कौन से जिले में स्थित है?
उत्तर : बारां
15. न्यूनतम साक्षरता वाला जिला कौन सा है?
उत्तर : जालौर
16. मादलिया आभूषण कहाँ पहना जाता है-
उत्तर : गले का आभूषण
17. गणगौर किस माह में मनाया जाता है-
उत्तर : चैत्र
18. अवनि लेखरा किस खेल से संबधित है-
उत्तर : राइफल शूटिंग
19. बणी-ठणी चित्र शैली कहाँ की प्रसिद्ध है-
उत्तर- किशनगढ़
20. तिमनगढ़ का किला कहाँ स्तिथ है-
उत्तर- करौली
21. राज्य महिला आयोग का गठन कब हुआ–
उत्तर- 15 मई 1999
21. राज्य महिला आयोग का गठन कब हुआ-
उत्तर- 15 मई 1999
22. चिडियाटुंक पहाड़ी पर कोनसा दुर्ग हैं-
उत्तर- मेहरानगढ़ दुर्ग
23. एक जैसे 9 महलों का निर्माण किसने करवाया-
उत्तर- महाराजा सवाई माधो सिंह
24. राजस्थान में सर्वाधिक विदेशी पर्यटक कहाँ आते है-
उत्तर- जयपुर
25. राजस्थान में पहली वन्दे भारत एक्सप्रेस कहाँ से चली थी-
उत्तर- जयपुर रेलवे स्टेशन से

The Rajasthan BSTC Pre D.El Ed is a state-level education entrance exam held each year for admission to D.El.Ed courses at Rajasthan Teacher Training Institutes. The BSTC Examination was held on August 28, this year, at various examination centres throughout Rajasthan. The admit card for this offline exam (OMR-based) was made available on August 21, 2023. BSTC Exam 2023 had a total of 200 questions. On the official website, the answer keys will be made available for the various subjects covered by the Basic School Teaching Certificate’s 2023 course curriculum.
Candidates who have taken the BSTC examination are looking forward to the release date of the Rajasthan BSTC Answer Key. Within a week of the exam, the Rajasthan BSTC Answer Key is expected to be released, allowing candidates to verify their answers and acquire insights into their performance across various sections. Aspirants are looking forward to this date because it will provide clarity on their performance and bring them one step closer to understanding their results.
Candidates can estimate their performance on the Rajasthan BSTC Exam 2023 by comparing their OMR Sheets to the Rajasthan BSTC Answer Key 2023 and totaling the correct answers to the 200 questions. The Rajasthan BSTC Answer Key 2023 covers a wide range of topics, including Sanskrit, English/Hindi, Mental Ability, and Teaching Aptitude.
Furthermore, the official Rajasthan BSTC Answer Key 2023 has yet to be released. It will be released in the first week of September 2023. For the most recent updates on the answer key, visit the Rajasthan Pre-D.El.Ed Exam official website. The answer key will be a PDF file containing the correct answers to all of the exam questions. The marking scheme will also be included in the file. You can also see the marking scheme in the article below.
How to download the Rajasthan BSTC Answer Key 2023?
The Rajasthan BSTC Answer Key 2023 will be available in PDF format, allowing candidates to figure out their expected marks for Sets A, B, C, and D by following the steps below:
- To get started, visit the official website at www.panjiyakpredeled.in.
- Find the Rajasthan BSTC Answer Key 2023 link.
- You can get the Rajasthan BSTC Answer Key and Question Papers here.
- Select an Exam Shift and a Question Booklet series.
- Calculate the correct answers and compare them to the OMR Sheet.
- Rajasthan Pre D.El.Ed Answer Key can be saved and printed.
- Finally, estimate your exam score.
Marking Scheme for BSTC Pre D.El.Ed Answer Key 2023
The Rajasthan Pre-D.El.Ed. Exam 2023 question paper consists of up to 200 multiple-choice questions (MCQs). The following is the marking scheme:
- Marks for Each Correct Answer: Three marks are awarded for each accurate answer. The exam is divided into four sections: Mental Ability (50 questions out of 150), Teaching Ability (50 questions out of 150), English (20 questions out of 150), and Hindi or Sanskrit (30 questions out of 150).
- Negative Marking – There will be no negative marking.
Candidates who pass the exam will be invited to a round of counseling. They will then be assigned to a college or institute for admission.
We hope you found everything you were looking for about Rajasthan BSTC Pre-D.El.Ed. Exam Answer Key 2023. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and best wishes for your exam results!