SSC CHSL Admit Card 2023 Tier 1: The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released the SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination (SSC CHSL) Admit Card for tier 1. The commission has published the notice on its respective regional websites as well as other authorized portals to inform applicants that they can now download their respective admit cards online and take a print-out of it too.
Candidates who have opted for the SSC CHSL exams in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar region can now download their hall tickets from The schedule of the SSC CHSL exam 2023 tier 1 will be held between 9th March to 21st March.
Candidates can download their CHSL tier 1 admit card by entering their registration number and date of birth. The admit card contains all the detailed information about the exam such as date, time, and centre location. It also provides general guidelines of what to do and not to do to avoid any hassle later on. Also, The SSC release separate admit cards for each phase of the exam just 7 to 10 days before the examination.
How to Download SSC CHSL Tier 1 Admit Card 2023?
Here are the simple steps to download SSC CHSL Tier 1 Admit Card from the official website:
- Visit the website of the commission – and then click on ‘PROCEED NOW’ only if you opted for your exam center within Uttar Pradesh and Bihar region. Those who opted for other than UP & Bihar may refer to their regional web portal.
- Now you get redirected to ” STATUS / DOWNLOAD ADMIT CARD FOR COMBINED HIGHER SECONDARY LEVEL (10+2) EXAMINATION – 2022 (TIER- I) TO BE HELD FROM 09/03/2023 TO 21/03/2023″. Here you need to fill in your login credentials.
- Candidates who registered online will have to key in their registration ID, and date of birth and select the first exam city as opted by them on the application form to download a tier 1 admit card.
- Candidates who know the SSC CHSL roll number can use it as login credentials along with the date of birth and first exam city opted.
- Candidates who do not remember their roll number can download SSC CHSL admit card using their name and father’s name, date of birth and first exam city opted.
- Once you fill in your details correctly, submit it to get your admit card.
- Now, you can download or directly print you admit card.
Once you got your SSC CHSL Tier 1 admit card, check out the details carefully. In case of any discrepancy, we advise you to contact the examination authority immediately. Hope you got all the details you are looking for. Thanks for reading and good luck with your exam!