Indonesia Independence Day 2023: Indonesia Independence Day is celebrated every year on August 17 to honor the brave national heroes who sacrificed their lives fighting for the country. This day is also known as ‘Hari Merdeka,’ commemorating independence from Dutch colonization. In this article, we have compiled the most inspiring collection of Happy Indonesia Independence Day Wishes, quotes, messages, and images for you to share with your family and friends on this momentous occasion.

Indonesia had been under Dutch colonial rule for over 300 years until August 17, 1945, when a group of nationalists declared independence. The struggle for Indonesia’s freedom and liberation was not easy. Queen Juliana of the Netherlands formally granted Indonesia independence after four years of agitation and diplomacy.
Indonesia Independence Day is a national holiday and is observed throughout Indonesia with parades, community gatherings, athletic events for adults and children such as sack races, and many cultural and performing arts festivals. Traditions also include eating Indonesian crackers (known as ‘krupuk’) or fruit hung on a string and climbing a pinang tree to reach a prize.
Indonesia Independence Day Wishes

- As we celebrate Indonesia’s independence, may this day bring you and your family peace, joy, and love. Happy Indonesia Independence Day!
- Nothing is more valuable than liberty and freedom. Happy Independence Day Indonesia!
- I am proud to be an Indonesian; born of selfless sacrifice, coated with pride, dipped in unity, and soaring in glory. Happy Independence Day Indonesia!
- Today we remember and honor those who have left us this great legacy. I wish you a happy Indonesian Independence Day.
- On this great day of heroic reflections, ask not what your country has done for you, instead, reflect on what you can do for your country.
- Freedom of mind, faith in our words, and pride in our hearts make the memory of those who have sacrificed for us so we could be here today. Let us all salute the nation on this day glorifying patriotism!
- Let us come together and help our glorious nation move forward. Happy Independence Day Indonesia!
- Each nation has flaws. It is up to the citizens of that country to create a vision for themselves and live according to their values. Happy Independence Day Indonesia 2023!
- Celebrate this glorious day with the pride of being part of this great nation, and let my warm patriotic wishes be a part of your celebration. Happy Independence Day Indonesians!
- Today, let us celebrate our past, cherish our present and work to create a better future for ourselves. We are duty-bound as citizens of this great nation. Happy Indonesia Independence Day wishes for you & your family!
- Today, all citizens of Indonesia regardless of language or ethnicity join together to honor our national heroes on Independence Day. Happy Independence Day to all Indonesians!
- May the wind of progress blow around the country now and always. Happy Independence Day, Indonesia!
Indonesia Independence Day Messages

- Let us rejoice in our unity on this day, honoring the flag that represents all that we have been and will be! Happy Independence Day Indonesia!
- May the wind of progress continue to swirl around our dear country, Indonesia—Happy Independence Day!
- My love for my country is priceless, my love for its people is endless, and all I want for it is progress. With this in mind—and with the hope that others will share these sentiments—I wish you a happy Indonesian Independence Day!
- Let us all pray for the unity and prosperity of our dear country today as we remember those who fought to give us freedom. Happy Indonesia Independence Day 2023!
- Our country holds a prominent place on the global map as a result of the sacrifices and efforts of our forefathers. I wish everyone a very happy Indonesian Independence Day.
- I hope that our country’s flag flies proudly and inspires us to be the best citizens we can be. Congratulations on Indonesia’s Independence Day.
- Taking Indonesia to new heights is everyone’s responsibility, and we must all work together to make it happen. Best wishes on Indonesia’s Independence Day.
- Independence is not a sign to give up, but rather to fight even harder. Warm wishes for Indonesia’s Independence Day.
- Today, we have the freedom to learn, to work, to work, and to be better. The red and white flag flapping in the wind should make you smile. Happy Indonesian Independence Day!
- Don’t let the pandemic become a barrier to the Indonesian nation’s development. Bring tenacity and tenacity to move forward in the future.
- We are already liberated; therefore, do not allow this self to be colonized again. We are a strong nation, so never let the circumstances defeat us. Happy Independence Day!
Indonesia Independence Day Quotes

- Our lives are vibrantly colored…I hope the 17th of August brings more color into your life. Greetings for the Indonesian Independence Day.
- Indonesia occupies a prominent position on the global map. Let us all commit to taking our beloved country to new heights. Happy Indonesian Independence Day 2023!
- Like our flag, I wish for you to soar higher in whatever you do. Happy Indonesian Independence Day!
- Independence Day commemorates the sacrifices made by our forefathers. Today is the birth of freedom; do not simply observe it as a national holiday; instead, resolve to do something new to improve your country today. Happy Independence Day, 2023!
- What you do today will determine your future! Happy Indonesian Independence Day!
- We are stronger together than apart. Let us all renew our commitment to protecting our country from outside influence. Happy Independence Day!
- Being responsible citizens, we keep Indonesians independent and progressive. The very least we can do is vote for the right candidates in every election, regardless of their language, tribe, or religion. Happy Independence Day.
- My hope, peace, and tranquillity are with you today and every day. Happy Indonesia Independence Day 2023!
- Independence Day is a day to remember the sacrifices made by our forefathers for their independence. Today, let’s resolve to make this country better than it was yesterday! Have a Happy Independence Day!
- May Hope, peace, and tranquility reside in your household today and every day. Happy Independence Day!
- Let’s celebrate the Indonesian Independence Day in unity, by honoring the flag and glory of the country in justice and liberty. Happy Indonesian Independence Day!
- Today the people enjoy the freedom of living independently in Indonesia, but they will never forget the sacrifice and bravery of those who fought for the country. Happy Independence Day!

Bottom Line
Indonesia Independence Day 2023 is just around the corner, and it’s time to commemorate the great moment of Indonesia as an independent state. Let us remember what happened before, and let us commit ourselves to making a difference in the future. We hope you enjoyed our collection of the best inspiring Indonesia Independence Day wishes, messages, and quotes. Let us know your feedback by commenting below! Thanks for reading!