Just like maintaining profits is an essential part of running a business, so is complying with the regulations set by the government. Every month, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs provides a list of private limited companies whose licenses have been canceled, a data which is in the hundreds. As per a 2023 data, close to 1.28 lakh companies had their licenses revoked. 

All of this lays stress on the concept of annual compliance for a private limited company.

If you own one such company or are in charge of the operations, try our simplified checklist for annual compliance for private limited companies.

Exploring Annual Compliance

When you register your company with the Registrar of Companies under the Companies Act 2013 as a Private Limited Company, you gain the “Pvt. Ltd” suffix. However, companies that get registered as Private Limited Companies need to maintain a certain list of checks and standards to ensure compliance. 

These include but are not limited to maintaining tax norms, business records, reports, and other documents. Further, to check that all things comply with standards set by the regulatory authorities, companies need to appoint auditors on an annual basis. 

Various Types of Compliance Requirements

Some of the below needs to be taken up for annual compliance for a Private Limited Company:

  • Maintain Statutory Audit Compliance
  • File documents with the ROC (Registrar of Companies)
  • Appoint auditors and conduct regular meetings
  • Proper accounting to maintain financial records
  • Maintain updated records of KYCs vis-a-vis directors and shareholders
  • Maintain proper reporting, tax compliance, and on-time income tax return filing
  • Update statutory records
  • Ensure all agreements, licenses, and contracts are valid and up to date
  • Maintain records and minutes for all AGMs and Board Meetings

Simplified Checklist to be Used During Annual Compliance

When taking up an Annual Compliance for a Private Limited Company, the checklist contains the below:

  • Appoint auditors

This action needs to be completed within 30 days of creating the company. Auditors for this purpose need to be appointed yearly.

  • Hold Board Meetings

The first meeting needs to be held 30 days from incorporation. To add, a board meeting needs to be held every 120 days or less. The aim is to comply with regulatory norms while keeping the Board of Directors appraised.

  • Conduct regular Annual General Meetings (AGMs)

All private limited companies have to call a mandatory AGM at least 6 months before the financial year comes to an end. Further, the time between two AGMs scheduled needs to be less than 15 months to ensure yearly meetings.

  • File Returns and Financial Statements

All Private Limited Companies are registered with the ROC. Thus, to keep up with the norms set by the ROC, companies have to file all the current monetary statements and financial records within 60 days of having their Annual General Meeting (AGM).

  • Maintain Tax Compliance

Private Limited Companies need to stay appraised of the tax norms and laws that are being implemented. Make sure all the bases are covered when it comes to taxes such as TDS, PF, and Income Tax return filing. 

  • Maintain Records

Documents to be maintained when it comes to Private Limited Companies include records to meet statutory needs, statements of accounts, minutes of meetings, and others. These need to be maintained for compliance audit purposes.

Is using a Checklist for Annual Compliance helpful?

If your company has a checklist for Annual Compliance, you get the below benefits:

  • A detailed list of responsibilities and the roles for all involved
  • Improve audit checkpoints and controls
  • Identify any gaps in the business process
  • Streamline the collection of documents that are needed to maintain compliance
  • Ensure accountability at all levels of the business

Provide the below when gathering documents for annual compliance for a private limited company:

  • Audited and reviewed financial records and statements
  • Passed and approved Board resolutions
  • All annual return forms such as Income Tax Return Filing

Why is an Annual Compliance for a Private Limited Company essential?

When companies fail to keep up with regulatory norms, they stand to face legal action. They are also liable to draw heavy fines and penalties. Further, their licenses may get canceled in the event of severe deviations. 

Thus, by opting for Annual Compliance for a Private Limited Company gets the below benefits:

  • Avoid fines and legal action due to lack of compliance.
  • Maintain reputation and client faith as a reliable business.
  • Ensure transparent functioning.
  • Access loans and raise capital from the market.
  • Streamline operations using feedback obtained from regular audits.
  • Ensure accountability at different levels of the business.
  • Comply with laws and regulations implemented.

To Conclude

Maintaining compliance is key when it comes to running a company. This ensures that you do not draw legal action and penalties. One of the most effective ways is via annual compliance for a private limited company.

Ensure that all your operations are in line with regulatory standards with timely submission of paperwork such as income tax return filing, TDS return filing, maintaining accurate financial records, and more.

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